Yesterday took place the first Conférence Romande sur l'Accessibilité du Web” organized by Telono in Geneva and Liip was well represented by me, Brian King and Jonas Vonlanthen.
This was also a great opportuniy to have a closer look at some of the real-life accessibility problems and the solutions proposed.
The organizazion was perfect and everything went fine.
I was also surprised by the high number of participants and the interest they had in almost all of the topics proposed and discussed.
The schedule was very “dense” with 8 presentations to be followed from 9 to 18 with a lunch break, of course.
Liip contribution
I presented the talk “Optimisation de l'accessibilité and Responsive Design: étude de cas” where I showed the efforts we made during the development of relaunch to improve the accessibility and the semantic of the whole site.
Also had the opportunity to present the implementation of the responsive design that shaped up after the dedicated hackday in November and the recent mini-sprint.
People showed their interest and also asked questions. Definitely not a boring talk ;-)
The other talks
The first two presentations have been given by two visually impared people (Julien Conti and Christophe Oberson) showing how to overcome common accessibility issues in everyday web browsing.
The great thing was that they also suggested/proposed how to not do things that are a known source of problems.
Julien Conti also introduced the (soon to be released) “BrailleTouch” iPhone app.
Yannick Guerdat (Artionet) presented the work done to make fully accessible and certified.
Very valuable contributions came from the two Telono organizers, Carine Rivière and Laetitia Giannettini who talked, among other things, about the relationship between ergonomy and accessibility.
Markus Riesch of Access for all foundation let us know the state of accessibility in Swiss public institutions and the Swiss laws currently applying to the accessibility subject.
The most interesting contributions came from Jean-Pierre Villain (Qelios) and his co-relator Romain who went through the WCAG 2.0 directives and proposed some concrete ARIA solutions to make Javascript implementations accessible.
They also showed the great accessibility support on the iPhone.
Not that much to add, only looking forward to the 2013 edition for another great apportunity to learn and share.
Feel free to check the slides of the presentation.
And finally some pics…..