When I say ‹relevant›, I mean those government processes, regulations and laws which have got relevance for drafting, procuring, building and running government digital services. And which in that respect probably are generating uncertainty, if iterative methods can be applied without violating existing processes or laws.
Why government can[not] build digital services iteratively
I wrote a thesis on the topic, and tried to condense my findings in a 20 minutes’ presentation as a PDF on speakerdeck, and as a Google-Presentation, which includes my speaker notes, too.

My thesis got accepted, but I will invest some time until the end of 2017 to revise it, before it is going to be published in early 2018. I will add it to this blogpost, when it's ready.
What is your experience with iterating in government?
I am thankful for any feedback on the topic. Please get in contact with me via the following channels: