I waited with this blogpost until slides and videos became available. Now it seems that they all are here.
A collection of slides you can find here:
Also the videos are online. Check them out:
Each talk on the ground floor was illustrated by Anna Lena Schiller. The results are awesome! And keep in mind that she often had no clue what the speaker was talking about:
The Conference
Quite some folks of the javascript community came together in Berlin on the 1th and 2th of october 2011 for the third time. With over 200 people from all around the world and around 37 speakers to various topics. There were not only well known faces but also quite a few new ones and the different topics were spread wide. From traditional website usage over javascript game development to insane crazy stuff to things everyone can use/participate. JSConf.eu has something for everyone.
It was an amazing conference and we had a damn good time over there. The conference comprised two days of talks, each followed by a big party to meet and exchange with the others.
The Talks
And while I was enthused by all talks, I like to name my personal favorites.
This is not just about the content of the talks, it is also about how the speakers presented their talks and if they were able to fascinate the audience.
- Community JS reloaded
how to rock as a movement
- How to be an open-source gangster
How to succeed in open-source by embracing the ancient art of gangster rap… Keep it real!
- 140byt.es: Building a web framework, one tweet at a time
Very impressive ways of reducing the code in javascript snippets. Nothing you really want in a real project but very sexy to show off.
- Beyond JavaScript
A new way of looking at programming languages. Whether javascript or something else ;)
- Messing with JavaScript and the DOM to measure network performance characteristics
Interesting talk on how to measure network performance characteristics with javascript. Things like bandwidth, latency, TCP connect time, DNS time, IPv6 connectivity, port scanning.
Not just the conference
After the conference our team took two days of vacation, to use the chance to be in Germany's capital city. We went to explore the city. These days were in no way computer related and I would recommend it to everyone. Its a very good team experience and you got some time to think about what you just listened to.
At this point I like to send a big “THANK YOU” to the folks of jsconf.eu, for organizing such an awesome event. But not just to the jsconf organisation team, also to everyone who joined and made it to such an awesome experience.
And last but not least. Many thanks to L//P for cheering up their developers to such things by providing them an education budget.
Keep it real!