Before I started working for Liip I did my apprenticeship in St. Gallen. It was not until I started working in Zürich, that I discovered, companies here liked sharing knowledge with each other. This concept was new to me and I thought it was a great idea. There are plenty of events in Zürich to learn from like-minded people. There's Webtuesday, JSZurich and Coders Only, just to name a few.
Once I started working in St. Gallen again, I was eager to bring this spirit with me and start such an event in St. Gallen.

People from St. Gallen seemed to like the idea. Peter joined the Webnesday Team and Roman offered us the Namics St. Gallen office for the first Webnesday.

What is Webnesday?
Webnesday is an open forum, for web interested people from and around St. Gallen. It's scheduled every 2 months. Every odd Webnesday is a full talk between 30 and 45 minutes. Every even Webnesday consists of a few Lightning talks between 10 and 15 minutes.
On the first Webnesday, I held a talk about AngularJS. It was a success. About 21 people showed up and asked interesting questions. The slides can be found on Speakerdeck.
When is the next Webnesday?
The next Webnesday will be held on the 5. November. It will take place at Haufe-Umantis' office in St. Gallen. Since it's an even Webnesday, we will do Lightning talks.
You can sign up here for the next Webnesday.
We are still looking for additional speakers. If you discovered something cool that you would like to share with the crowd, please contact us.