It started with a blog entry by Matthias and continued with some discussion on the last āBloggertreffenā, now I did some first implementation with worldKit: A map of all Swiss blogs (and surrounding area), which have ICBM entries.
I took the data from GeoURL, choose a point somewhere in the middle of Switzerland and let me display all blogs 200km away from that center point. Thanks to GeoURL's RSS export and worldKit's RSS
import, it was a really simple task to have them all displayed on the map.
The points are a little bit off on the map, since the map is aligned to the Swiss Coordinate System, which is not totally parallel to the longitude/latitude system worldKit is based on. The satellite image (provided by swisstopo)
hasn't the greatest resolution either, if someone knows of any better (freely available) map, please tell us ;)
Maybe will integrate something like that one day. With its own geodata parser and not relying on GeoURL. Matthias seems at least interested to do something like that.
Addition: The RSS file, which has to be loaded by worldKit is approx. 170kB big. It will take some time, until the dots are displayed.