In a world facing multiple crises, we create products that meet both market requirements and society's needs.

Products for society

In today's fast-moving world, finding the perfect niche for your product is tough. You have to figure out what clients really want, make sure your product stands out from the competition, and then wrap it all up in an attractive package. But your responsibility doesn't end there. With the world facing multiple crises, we are all challenged to aim higher. A product must not just fit into the market; it needs to meet the needs of our society.

Build the right thing

We are your partner on this journey. Our work involves more than just providing expertise for user-centred product development with an eye on the business case. Making a positive contribution to a transformative society is just as important to us as it is to you. Our team combines experts with different profiles who support you holistically.

LeanStack approach

LeanStack is the tool we use to develop business ideas by breaking them down into lean canvases. After developing a canvas, it's time to test the idea. We help you conduct unbiased and objective user interviews. Knowing what the market wants before implementing a technical solution can save a lot of resources.

Equipped with information from the field, we build a high-fidelity, clickable prototype. Instead of jumping to custom development, we can build a functional MVP based on SaaS solutions in less than a week. The MVP is the tool for the next round of feedback – and more insight into the potential market.

Once all the requirements have been captured and integrated in the MVP phase, we start building the actual product. Now is the time to invest resources, as the product has already proven to be viable. We select the technologies best suited to developing scalable and secure products that meet your business goals, user expectations, and societal demands. We implement every dimension of your digital product using the Web Sustainability Guidelines as our reference.

Value to users and society

The result of our collaboration is a product with a clear profile that solves a problem while considering social dimensions. As your partner, we accompany your journey. Development is a continuous process (Build-Measure-Learn loop); we use ongoing user feedback and data analysis to refine and improve your product.

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