- Awards
- 2021 Best of Swiss Web Silver “Public Value”
The online portal SafeZone.ch includes counselling options for questions about drugs, alcohol and addiction problems. Whether people are seeking information or booking counselling directly, the comprehensive SafeZone.ch platform is here to help. Those affected, their friends and family, specialists, and other interested parties will all find what they need and are looking for at SafeZone.ch.

Thanks to the cooperation with Liip and the other partners, the relaunch of SafeZone.ch was a great success. The many positive feedbacks from the specialised partners who use the counselling software for online counselling confirmed this. Enquiries from people with addiction problems increased from the time of the relaunch. This shows that the new tools are well received by the target group.
Digital addiction counselling – offering immediate help
SafeZone.ch offers a comprehensive platform that helps those affected as well as their friends and family. This help is available both online and offline in a variety of ways, including self-testing, FAQs and direct individual counselling. The counselling platform is anonymous, secure and always available.
From user-centred design to blended counselling with a counsellorPublic procurement and agility – a good match
Not one, not two, not three, but four implementation partners in a single project. SafeZone.ch shows how agility can also work with public procurement projects – involving multiple agencies and the public sector. Do you want to know how we manage it?
An elephant became the MVP or What The Org is upOpen source technology with data protection
To us, high security standards and excellent data protection for all on a counselling platform means using open source. No compromises on the framework or language, but lots of data protection for the people seeking advice. All of this was made possible by our custom development.
A premium technological solution for SafeZone.ch