From my INBOX:

The following sessions have been selected and

  (1222) 'Now in a new flavour - XML in PHP 5.1'
  (1223) 'XSLTAL - Instant XSLT for everyone'

Cool. Looks like I'm going to ApacheCon Europe in Stuttgart this July.

The first talk will mainly be about the now included XMLReader, but also other new features of XML in the upcoming PHP 5.1 release.

The second talk is about XSLTAL, “just another” templating engine based on XSLT and ideas from Zope TAL. As the implementation is not really language dependent, I'll show how to use it in PHP, Cocoon and JavaScript (right, a template engine written also for JS, at least as long as it


XSLT ;) ). If I find the time until then, I'll try to make an XSLTAL editing demo for BXE 2.0, with the goal of being able to edit your templates and content in the browser and looking at the final result also in the browser, without any server side requirements (except for loading and saving)

Maybe I should write a completely JS based CMS one day ;) Can't be too hard, at least the simple stuff

Update: The complete speaker list is now online. Quite a few well known PHP people and of course a lot of interesting other stuff.