Passionate Communication expert who joined Liip in 2022, I love communicating (obviously) and writing about complex matters in an easy-to-understand way. I did it on such topics as renewable energies, energy efficiency or aeronautics and enjoy doing it about Liip topics: agility, progress and sustainability in the product developed and in the organisational model.
When Iâm not communicating, you can find me drawing, writing, cooking, playing/watching basketball and collecting/playing vinyl records.
Articles de Grégoire
Liip au Forum économique du développement durable
Success Stories
Liip rejoint la communauté B Corp
Best of Swiss Apps 2023: We got 5 on it
Liip SA devient Moodle Premium Certified Partner au service de l'Ă©volution du paysage eLearning en Suisse
Success Stories
2 récompenses pour Liip au Best of Swiss Web 2023
Success Stories
Liip a repris la clientĂšle et le personnel de l'agence digitale Nothing